Tuesday, September 04, 2007

SLAW Being Re-Launched

Tonight as I write this, some strange and interesting things are happening over at SLAW. SLAW, for those of you who do not keep track of such things, is a co-operative Canadian web log on law and technology (and a whole lot of other things). I have been a core contributor since its inception. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this premier law blogging initiative.

Simon Fodden, our fearless leader, is launching a redesign of the site tonight. It is something he has been working on all summer. He has hinted at some of the changes, but the contributors really only know piecemeal what is to come. In an email message to the contributors tonight he said: "All should be well--nay, much better than well--by the morning." So we wait, watching features and strange images come and go on the site.

He also shared a German saying I hadn't encountered before which I quite like: "Now comes the moment when the monkey leaps into the water and risks his life."

I can't wait to see the new SLAW. Swim, little monkey, swim!!

UPDATE: Well, it appears the monkey has swum back to the shore. Simon reports that he had the change part-way done, but has more work to do. So, for now our beloved SLAW looks unchanged. But I'm sure he'll get there soon.

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