On my
Crosby Group blog Connection I have just announced a new client initiative, working with The Dundurn Group to get word out about the newly launched
Canadian Book Review Annual Online. I am excited about this project, since this well-respected publication was last published in paper format back in 2006. For the full press release and instructions on how to take advantage of the 30 day free trial on Monday,
please see my full blog post.

I had a chance to take an advance look at the preview, and am impressed. There is the choice of a one-box search, or an advanced search screen that I find intuitive while allowing for complex Boolean searches. I like that results can be sorted by any field such as author, publisher or date just by clicking on the heading name. Book reviews are helpful and succinct. One can click on publisher name, author name, and tags (informal key words indicating things such as format and subject) to find more of the same.
The free trial is only for the next month, so I encourage you to sign up and try it out, whether you are in a library or not. This is a great Canadian resource we should all be familiar with!