Friday, November 05, 2004

Uh Oh! I goofed.

I'm in the process of setting up a few different blogs for various personal purposes under my Blogger account. Thought I was changing templates for one of the other ones, but turned out I was working in this one and lost all my customized settings. So, all the links down the side and the statistics link are all gone. Yikes! A hard lesson. Will take me a few days to get things posted again. Sorreeboutdat!

1 comment:

Connie Crosby said...

I miss my statistics especially! I found it quite compelling to see what countries people were reading from, and on which search engines or websites they had found my wee blog. I'm not rushing to reinstate them, however, since I'm going to take this opportunity to find a different stats tool.

Last I was able to discern, there had been 1074 visits to this blog between June and end of October. Hooo-wee!