Friday, December 31, 2004 Library and Librarian News Feeds RSS Feeds
Thursday, December 23, 2004
The Essential Law Library
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Internet Librarian 2004 on its way!
Leading Parallel Lives....
Wow! I had heard about him, and the rumours are true. We are leading parallel lives. I had a nice note this week from Steve introducing himself and finally had a look at his blog for myself as a result.
I'm relieved to finally have another Canadian law librarian blogging. Welcome, Steve!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Hooked on Reading - Online Bookclub Idea
I haven't signed up for anything yet, but it is an interesting idea. I wonder how we could use this idea in law libraries? Make sample newsletters available to lawyers before they commit to signing up? Feed them portions of our personal diatribes each day until they have read 2-3 rants per week. Oh, the ideas are endless....
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Google Versus the Library - Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
Google co-founder Larry Page quoted in the press release: "Google's mission is to organize the world's information, and we're excited to be working with libraries to help make this mission a reality." Well, apparently the library world is excited about this prospect also.
Here are the related headlines from around the world courtesy of (who else?) Google News: News about Google.
I particularly like the write-up in the New York Times: Google Is Adding Major Libraries to Its Database". (You will need to register for a free NYTimes password if you don't have one already. Which leads me to ask: why don't you?) The second page in particular includes a discussion of how this could potentially affect libraries, with roles changing from storehousing and indexing of printed materials to organizing and retaining digitized materials. Looks like the experience of law libraries and other specialized libraries could be increasingly felt in academic and public circles as well. If it isn't already, which really would be hard to believe.
Perhaps what we are most thrilled about is the world apparently excited about accessing library materials that, for the most part, have been forgotten in this Age of Google. Which, if it really happens, would be a good thing. After all, there was life before 1996. It may be difficult to remember, but that is what the Library is there for, isn't it?
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Reference re Same-Sex Marriage
I would be remiss, however, if I didn't post a link to the Supreme Court of Canada's Reference re Same-Sex Marriage. The outcome, that the Parliament may put forward legislation regarding same sex marriage and that it is constitutional, is a positive one. Now we wait for the proposed legislation to be introduced, reportedly sometime in the new year. Stay tuned!
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Great New Look @ the Great Library
Orange You Glad?
Okay, so that explains why I picked these particular colours for my blog; however, I STILL don't regret getting rid of those orange chairs that were in our library....
Shirley Elliott - A Life Well Lived
(Idea for the title of this post from Martha!)
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Buying Mittens When You Really Want a Hat
Well, today my concern was answered with another notice: they are not going to support two platforms. As of March 1, 2005, they are putting the Factiva content onto the LexisNexis platform. Now, this may be nice business for LexisNexis, but the two interfaces function completely differently and how am I going to make this work?
I feel like the kid being kicked out of the house by her parents: "You're 16 now, you're old enough to work.". Yikes. Or better yet, what about this analogy: "Sorry, we don't sell our hats to people with blonde hair. But we have an arrangement with the fellow down the street who will sell you some mittens instead...".
I'm sure regretting whining about difficulties using InfoGlobe years ago!
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Stop and smell the roses....
Legal Blog Watch
Friday, November 19, 2004
The Party's Over...
Not only has it given me a few ideas for work, but also various professional activities I'm involved in. Can't you see the wheels turning in my brain? They've definitely given us a glimpse of the future of conference-going.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
New Digs for LexisNexis Canada (a.k.a. Quicklaw)
I was one of the later people to arrive, and it was fun to see lots of familiar faces from the law librarian community and also meet a few new ones.
I also got a kick out of Pat's framed photo of the old 9600-baud Quicklaw-designated terminals that ruled when I first started in law libraries in the 80s. How far we have come! And I still remember when 9600-baud seemed like lightning speed. Whew! Okay, so I've been on this computer train longer than some might have thought...I even remember 300-baud. Heck, I've even used punch cards. So there. And I wonder if anyone under 30 understands what I'm talking about? I've said too much already....
Teaching Library Staff How to Blog
'Em Started: Teaching Weblogs to Library Staff.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Blogger in League With Factiva?
Just Like Being There! - CD of Internet Librarian 2004 available
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Search Engine Optimization
Monday, November 15, 2004
Can't be in Monterey?
Thanks to Jessamyn for the tip on
CIRA - Proposed Policy for Internet Domain Name Privacy
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Legal Periodicals Blog
Posting it here merely for my own future reference. Of course, you are allowed to look at it too, I suppose!
CALL/ACBD 2005 Conference Website
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Shoe on Other Foot
Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)
David Boies Biography a Hit!
The partners here LOVE it and are passing it around. Great idea if you have a general reading collection or are looking for a Christmas gift for that favourite litigation lawyer. Read the review on
Sunday, November 07, 2004
United Church Ministers to Unionize?
signing on to the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) union.
CTV story: United Church minister in union drive with CAW.
Official response on the United Church of Canada website.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Uh Oh! I goofed.
Hallowe'en 2003 Challenge

Hallowe'en 2003 - Costume Challenge

I now have the capacity to add photos to this website! Last year I challenged others to wear costumes at work so I wouldn't be the only one in costume. This is a costume from the movie "Kill Bill". At the time the movie had only been out a week or two, so few people knew who I was. However, what more could you want for a costume with a wig, mask and sword?
Thursday, November 04, 2004
The ISBN will change from 10 to 13 digits on 1 January 2007
Existing ISBNs will be prefixed by 978
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Practice blog and blog app discussion
Looks great, doesn't it? I really like the look of it. Here are the reasons why I won't be continuing with this software:
- I used their terrific book list feature to set up photos and links to all 70 books my book club has read. I thought this was great until I loaded it onto the blog itself. Unless I show all 70 books on the front page (see down the right side), there is no way for others to view the archives of past books. I asked about having this added as a feature, but was told it would be low priority. Therefore, I am going to try to find a similar low-cost function somewhere else and add it onto a blog set up with a different shop.
- inflexibility of the application. I can't do much in the way of playing around with the look of it since they don't give access to the underlying HTML code. I LOVE Blogger for this reason. Apparently the grander software Movable Type is a lot better in this respect, but it would mean hosting it on my own server.
I have also been playing with WordPress in my Blogs course. It has the flexibility of Blogger, plus the complexity of Movable Type. It is free, open source apparently (so my instructor Amanda tells me). The only drawback is the need for a host; however, this gives more security. Right now Blogger can go down for the day or my blog can get zapped, and I would lose it all. So, might be worthwhile seeing what kind of hosting my subscription includes!
The Business of Blogs for Lawyers
In the meantime, check out his company LexBlog's website They are in the business of building blogs for lawyers! Kevin's blog, linked from LexBlog in the upper right corner or accessed directly at, also entitled "Real Lawyers Have Blogs(TM)", has a lot of great tools and info for getting lawyers blogging.
I'm quite taken with the idea of having individual lawyers and/or practice groups posting internally, and he has a piece on that called "Blog software for large law firm intranets and knowledge management". It doesn't have quite as much technical info to help me get started as I would like, but it does tell me what they have used blogs for internally, and that Movable Type was the application used.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Reasons to Get Out of KM
Tips for Mastering E-mail Overload
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Hectic week!
I hope at some point to get the photos working on this website so I can post a photo or two of my Hallowe'en costumes (this year and last year).
This weekend I will be setting up another blog for the blog course I am taking, likely using a different software so I can try something else out. I am learning A TON from the course. If I create anything interesting I promise to post a link here. Some ideas:
- health and wellness blog for librarians (not to be confused with a blog by a medical/health librarian)
- Crosby family blog
- books I have read
- music or movie links and reviews
- photos of things in my house. Okay, this sounds weird but there are some interesting architectural features and piles of stuff that might look cool if photographed in the right light....
- personal diary of stuff I am doing (which could pretty much incorporate all of the above)
None of these really grab me just yet. I love the idea of a family blog, but will work on that later. I am already working on drafts of two other blogs: one for my bookclub, and one for my association (TALL). Okay, I'm a little blogged right now...
....can't wait for the extra hour of sleep when we turn back the clocks tomorrow night!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Button Maker
RFID in Libraries - Who Does Tagging?
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Federal public service employees in strike position
Monday, October 18, 2004
Toronto and North York Bylaws
Sunday, October 17, 2004
New E-mail Address
Friday, October 15, 2004
WestlaweCarswell - Quebec cases & French language option added
Church Law Texts
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Major Canadian Newspaper Loses Copyright Case
The decision, from the Ontario Court of Appeal website:
Robertson v. Thomson Corporation (October 6, 2004).
This decision goes back to an issue from 1995 when freelance writer Heather Robertson disagreed with the Globe and Mail's publication of her articles in Info Globe (long since absorbed by Dow Jones Interactive, now known as Factiva), the CD-ROM version of the Globe, and an electronic version of the Canadian Periodical Index in addition to the hard copy of her newspaper. The Court of Appeal upheld the lower court's decision. My favourite quote of the decision, included in the CBC article and here taken completely out of any sort of context, is from Madam Justice Karen Weiler: "...a database is not a newspaper..."
The CBC speculates as to the implications for future uses of freelance material; however, this is a moot point. Since this decision (and possibly others like it) went to court back in the mid-90's, newspapers have presumably been covering themselves with appropriate terms of agreement when signing on freelance reporters and writers. I doubt we will see much in the way of change as far as users of electronic databases go.
It is unlikely, however, we will ever see articles from the past reinstated to electronic databases. In many ways this is a shame. They will likely only be retrievable through a paper search which, for those of us who have searched manually through years' worth of old newspapers, is largely dooming those articles to obscurity.
Note this decision makes references back to the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision CCH Canadian Ltd. v. Law Society of Upper Canada, [2004] 1 S.C.R. 339; 2004 SCC 13 for definitions of copyright.
Thanks to Canuck Librarian for the tip on this!
On Being a Librarian
RFID blog
Monday, October 11, 2004
UBC's Law Library Reference Blog
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Course on blogging and RSS
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Parliamentary Website - Main Page Redesigned
Monday, October 04, 2004
WSIB Operational Policy Manual - Ontario
Friday, October 01, 2004
Speeches on video
The Future of Integrated Library Systems
Client experience - lessons from Starbucks
See this article: The Starbucks Experience. I've long felt the trend for Libraries is toward becoming more like the trendy bookstores (Chapters, Indigo, Borders). Being more like Starbucks is a similar concept.
Monday, September 27, 2004
"Cyber-Librarians" at University of Toronto
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Article on Associates' Exodus
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Canadian blawg - privacy law
Bloggers beware: don't trash your boss
"Bloggers learn lesson: Don't trash your boss" about a woman working in Iqaluit (the capital of Nunavut, one of Canada's territories in the north) as an agent for Nunavut Tourism. Seemingly benign comments were seen to be negative and she was dismissed without warning. Quoted from the article:
"The general rule is you can get fired if your off-duty conduct reflects badly on the employer," said Howard Levitt, lawyer and author of Law of Dismissal in Canada. "Her case is really close to the line."
Other rules of thumb: don't name names, and always assume your blog is publicly available, no matter how private you intend it to be. See these comments about a Toronto Starbucks employee who recently was dismissed for blog postings that were not so benign, courtesy of BlogCritics:
The original story: Employee fired by Starbucks over Blog
A rebuttal: Starbucks' blogging barista fired fairly.
Finally, Blogger has this article: How Not to Get Fired
Because of Your Blog.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Law Librarian quoted in Florida news
Friday, September 17, 2004
Canadian Inter-Corporate Ownership
To obtain this information, the CD-ROM from StatsCan must be purchased. Details are on the product main page. Website indicates it is available for full subscription (quarterly) at about $1,065. Individual quarterly CDs are available for $375.
I need to think about how often we use this product, if it is worth purchasing a quarterly CD at $375 and if we can live with out of date information toward the end of the year? I suppose I could just wait until the information is needed to buy the CD, providing I could obtain it fast enough to answer the question. Or, hang on to see if Infomart reinstates it.
Hmmm...seems to be the latest fashion in vendor problems. Wonder if we could negotiate a lower subscription rate with Infomart since we have lost some content?
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Run for the Cure
Thank you,
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
New feature - e-mail from this blog
U.K. Law Reports to reappear on LexisNexis
Friday, September 03, 2004
Technorati: Searching the World Live Web
I have not signed up for a membership but it looks like you can use this tool to watch for discussions in blogs. Over 3 1/2 million blogs are tracked! I like the features "BookTalk" and "NewsTalk" which indicate which books and news topics are currently being discussed in blogs. Doubt I will ever make the "Top 100" popular blogs but it is interesting to see what has made it. Not surprisingly BoingBoing is right up there.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
McLuhan 2004: Toronto International McLuhan Festival of the Future
LexisNexis Spotlight on International Librarians - Louis Mirando
Quicklaw Classic Note
Apparently it is possible to download a more recent version that still works from their website. I wonder, however, how long this version will continue to work? This will be impetus for us to switch our researchers over to using the website exclusively, but it will require training. We may download the more recent software in the meantime to make the transition a little smoother.
For my own part, I have weaned myself off the Classic version and have been using the Browser version. Now it is time to help others do the same, I suppose.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Finding breaking news for an intranet - Toronto / Canadian news
In addition to signing up for the usual Supreme Court of Canada and other government e-mail news, I also receive FlashMail from ("CP24", the all-news TV station from CHUM City). They send out e-mail as news is breaking as well as headlines for the day's upcoming newscast.
I also listen to the news throughout the day, either the audio from CP24 (available from the website, the left toolbar) OR CBC News, livestream from their website. I listen to Toronto news, but there is news available for all Canadian regions.
Another great source is to receive press releases from Canada Newswire's Portfolio service, free with registration. You can target specific releases or, my preference, receive the Media Daybook each morning. This tells of upcoming press conferences in the day. This is particularly useful for indicating when a government department is going to be releasing big news that day so you can listen for it. You can also view the Media Daybook directly on the website at
If nothing of interest to the firm is available from these sources, I troll around various pages including Law Society of Upper Canada, Bar Association pages and the like.
Unfortunately none of this is in RSS (that I have noticed), so I do not put live feeds directly onto our intranet. I pick and choose and manually update our "Home" and "What's New" pages.
If you know of another source for this type of business/legal/general interest information, let me know. I'd love to add to my little collection of sources.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Article on advanced Google features
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Gems found again on LLRX
- article on blogging from the queen of law library communication herself, Sabrina Pacifici: "Blogs: Are they here to stay? Should you be blogging? How do I find relevant blogs?" (in PDF).
- article on electronic storage: "Notes from the Technology Trenches: How Permanent Is That Storage?" by Cindy Carlson. Something many of us are trying to deal with.
- and a timely article for me since I was doing some proofreading this week, "Wisdom From the Grammar Goddess: My Pet Peeves" by Diane Sandford. Some great reminders and clarifications.
LLRX always has fantastic resources. Check in periodically to or, better yet, sign up for its e-mail service.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Blog applications comparison - Blogger and Typepad
One feature I thought has been lacking is a search window for the individual blogs. You will see one now appears in the toolbar at the top of this blog. I haven't tested it out yet, but since my blog seems to have been picked up by Google, it should be indexed. If you run into a problem, do let me know. The other feature I would like to see is subject indexing, so that I can categorize individual posts with subject headings.
There are some other nifty features on the toolbar at top, including a link to another randomly chosen, recently updated blog ("Next blog"). Kind of fun to surf through other blogs, especially to see the variety in layouts.
I have been testing out blogging on Typepad as well. You can take a look--I have started creating one for my book club: . I haven't put any postings in it yet. I do like the calendar, and the ability to add books and their photos. However, it doesn't have the flexibility of Blogger--in Blogger I can work with the underlying HTML and adapt things whereas Typepad has preset features that you pick and choose from. I could add a calendar and the books feature if I can find them available somewhere (I have a lead on the books function). They do have another version, Movable Type, which is software for use on your own host and which allows you to fully adapt. Typepad is meant to be basic for those who want a quick set up.
So far, I would say if you are just starting out into the blogging game, Blogger is your best bet and keeps on getting better.
Monday, August 23, 2004
Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
Monday, August 16, 2004
Canadian mediators & arbitrators - web directory
New in-context search tool: blinkx
Thursday, August 12, 2004
"$100 from 100 lawyers" - rebuilding law libraries in Sierra Leone
The headline on the Law Society of Upper Canada home page is an eye-catcher: "Urgently needed: $100 from 100 lawyers". It refers to the $10,000 needed to ship 6,000 lbs of donated law books to the Sierra Leone High Court library and Special Court library. The High Court library was Sierra Leone's principal law library until it was destroyed during ten years of civil war. The Special Court was created under United Nations Security Council mandate.
Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada is joining forces with the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) to rebuild these libraries.
Further information:
Full details from the Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada website
Sierra Leone's Special Court from Global Policy Forum
"Bringing Justice to Sierra Leone" - BBC News article on creation of the Special Court
Ontario County Law Libraries profiled
Monday, August 09, 2004
Centre for Innovation Law and Policy
Computer Law
Electronic Commerce
Innovative Ventures
Intellectual Property
IT/IP Careers
Health & biotechnology law
The website also offers e-mail of new events, and they have a new publication called Innovations.
Sooin Kim, the Librarian from Bora Laskin Law Library keeps them well organized and up to date!
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Blogging for intranets
I'm interested in other articles/web pages on this topic if anyone has a good one.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
SCC Copyright decision - summary
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Changes to Globe & Mail website access
While I haven't minded so much registering for free access on the New York Times website, for some reason I find this more offensive. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it is because the pop up registration page was poorly created and I cannot actually access the whole page to fill in the form? Perhaps the Times put a lot more value into their product and so I don't mind giving a little something back in return? More likely it is because I already have subscriptions to the Globe at both home and work so have more of a sense of entitlement. I'm likely not the only one--it's going to be hard for them to change this sort of attitude I think.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Renewing "WeeCarswell"?
It seems to me, overall, that it makes most sense to purchase the most basic level available on flat rate and then access other areas of the product on a transactional basis until such time that use of outside areas is comparable to flat rate use. Certainly their renewal levels encourage this type of strategy since signing on for an additional chunk of flat rate is just an invitation for an increase of prices in the future. I'm interested in whether others have differing strategies.
Some people are reporting a drop in the percentage of the cost that is billed back to clients in the second year. Presumably once lawyers saw the cost charged to clients in the first year, they thought the rate was too high and instead charged back to office files.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
CNET guide to RSS - Trends in Blog Searching
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Prime Minister announces new Cabinet
Monday, July 19, 2004
RSS news feeds from Government of Canada
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Better link for Paralegal Regulation meeting
Regulation of paralegals
Thursday, July 01, 2004
The Hill Cam
Law Society releases new Model Policy
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Construction Law Research Guide
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Inforumed - The FIS Inforum Blog
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Toronto info
Friday, June 18, 2004
Law Society Cautions Against Use of Index
Big Library Funding Announcement by Ontario Government
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Law Firm Office Leases
It starts by discussing the law firm leasing scene in London (Clifford Chance and Allen & Overy) and talks about how this has influenced Canada. In-depth discussion of what is happening in Canada, and at the end of the article is a table comparing leasing statistics of firms in various Canadian cities.
Of particular interest is the discussion of how a lease renewal is the time firms often evaluate whether they are viable or not, citing Campney & Murphy in Vancouver, Morris/Rose/Ledgett in Toronto, and MacKimmie Matthews in Calgary as those that decided they were not.
CARDonline | Canadian Market Statistics
Yahoo! Canada Mail announcement
Monday, June 14, 2004
Are law books becoming obsolete?
While I think on-line services can replace some types of books such as statutes and case law reporters, there is no good substitute for a good textbook on the subject with overview of the law in an area and more thorough analysis than that found on a website or in an article. These will not become obsolete any time soon.
PIPEDA legislation changes
There was also a recent amendment made to PIPEDA by Bill C-7 which received Royal Assent on May 6, 2004. The changes made to s. 7 were proclaimed to come into force May 11, 2004. The proclamation was published in Canada Gazette Part II, June 2, 2004 as SI/2004-51.
Also, proposed regs from Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 138, No. 15 - April 10, 2004:
Organizations in the Province of Alberta Exemption Order
Organizations in the Province of British Columbia Exemption Order
There, I just did everyone's work! 8-)
Friday, June 11, 2004
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Waxing Poetic about the Silver Screen
This one in particular appeals to me because it is both about the world of books, and the world of e-mail and chat. And set in NYC! How can my heart strings not go zing? Even the blatant product placement doesn't disturb me. I must be right in the demographic.
Not to mention everything that Kathleen Kelly (a.k.a. Meg Ryan) espouses sounds a lot like arguments librarians make when trying to prove our necessity. It's just heartbreaking when Fox Books causes the Shop Around the Corner to go out of business. I'm not sure what I take away with it--keep up with the times or risk someone else doing it for you? Hang onto your old values and risk being seen as obsolete? Okay, so it's not necessarily such a nice story. But I still find it watchable every time.
JURIST's Paper Chase
...but I digress. THIS Paper Chase is compiled by Professor Bernard Hibbits and his law students at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Latest news is added continuously. Access is in many forms--website (blog), e-mail update, or news feed added to a website or intranet. Worth taking a look.
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
The National Judicial Institute
Monday, June 07, 2004
LibraryLaw Blog
Death of Search Engines?
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Welcome to the relaunch of this Blog!
- readers now have the ability to add comments (look for the "comments" link underneath individual posts);
- links to individual recent posts from the sidebar at the right allows you to actually bookmark individual postings;
- I can now submit posts to the blog via e-mail. If I wanted to make this a cooperative blog, I could give out the secret e-mail address and allow others to post. Great if you are not able to access the web, such as if you are travelling.
As well, since the weekly archives were becoming too voluminous, I have now changed the archives to monthly. I've also changed number of posts on the first page to three days' worth rather than four since I was posting frequently each day and there was a lot to scroll through.
I welcome your comments about the changes! Next I hope to take advantage of the new "profile" feature which allows me to add a little profile of myself in the sidebar. I think we also may be allowed to do some photoblogging, so if I get ambitious might do a little of that also if it is free.
Couple more notes
If you want to make a posting, Blogger is going to ask you to set up a free account. You can do this if you would like to have your name automatically show up in the posting; however, it is not necessary. I have allowed for anonymous postings---look for the "discrete" link saying something like "post anonymously".
Some Blog Stats
- 158 different people viewed this blog in May.
- The website had on average 9 or 10 visitors a day. On the best day it had 18.
- Most visitors were from Canada and the U.S.. Two have been from other countries (Argentina and Australia).
- A number of people have accessed this page by doing a Google search for terms that have little (if anything) to do with law librarianship. It shows me that, when I post extraneous material not focussed on the specific subject of this blog, it could be leading people astray.
I read somewhere recently that the average blog has 12 readers. These stats show that has been exceeded. By watching the stats I am learning a lot about positioning a website for marketing purposes. That is not the reason for this blog, but it is interesting to note the various developments and build my own understanding of this medium.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Because law firms just aren't real enough
Password security
Abebooks expanding into new books
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
An Evening to Celebrate Librarians
Spring Reunion Dinner honouring various award winners and graduates from classes ending in 4s and 9s (I graduated in 1994, so I guess that is where I fit in).
It was a lovely to see faces I hadn't seen in about 10 years, and also to see quite a few new faces as well. What a diverse bunch! There were people just starting their careers, those mid-career and at the top of their game, and still others who were there to celebrate a life well spent in the library vocation. Many different types of libraries and non-traditional library jobs were represented. It was an honour to break bread and share war stories with such a distinguished group.
Jane Cooney, President of Books for Business was the guest speaker. She was quite clever in bringing up representatives from past decades to speak about the library school in their day and the pertinent issues of the time. It was quite interesting to see the progression of where things started and how they have gotten to where they are today.
Thanks to the FISAA Executive for a lovely evening, especially President Roula Panopoulos (FIS '99) who welcomed everyone, and Tracey Palmer (also FIS '99) who personally invited me to attend.
I encourage others to show some interest in your alumni associations (many of us have more than one). Not only is it a way to show some interest in the schools and the students coming up through our ranks, but also it is a great way to connect with colleagues (otherwise known as networking). And as Jane Cooney said, we need to spend less time solving problems and more time celebrating!
Monday, May 31, 2004
Supreme Court of Canada - Subscribing to New Library Titles - Trends in Blog Searching
Friday, May 28, 2004
I've Been Indexed!
What's New in Hein-On-Line
If you haven't used this service before, it has full-text searchable periodicals (especially legal periodicals) with PDF version available for those fresh-from-the-photocopier printouts. This has made a lot of materials available to us on a just-in-time basis, so we have found a subscription to be well worthwhile.
World Treaty Index
I tested it by subject search. The subjects are coded, so you have to look at the table first to determine what subject you want from the list. For example, for treaties on legal subjects, select "9legal". If you fill in more than one search field, such as subject and party, both search conditions must be met (i.e. it treats it like a Boolean "and"). It is an InMagic DBText WebPublisher database which is what we use in my office. I found the word wheels to be a little slow at responding (a common WebPublisher problem or problem with the server?) . In the results, click on the treaty number for more details. As far as I can tell, links to the full text of treaties is not given although best bet for source is given. It does not appear to be comprehensive, but definitely has cites to a lot of treaties that otherwise might be inaccessible.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Something's Fishy: New Uses for DNA Evidence
Lessons learned:
- DNA testing ain't just for people;
- being a pack rat is not always a bad thing.
Big City Mayors Caucus
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Lessons learned - Ontario regulations
We contacted the Regulations Office to obtain a reg that had been filed that might affect one of our clients, but could not obtain a copy. At best they would let us into their office to view the regulation. We then contacted a ministry responsible for drafting the regulation; once we found the 'right' person, we were able to obtain a copy.
Lessons learned:
- even if a reg is in force and affects you, you may not be able to access it immediately;
- never give up;
- all you need to do is find the one 'right' person to help you.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
New blogging features
Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 has Royal Assent
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Back to real life...
So, sorry to those who were not there and who have been checking back here!
That being said, it was a pleasure to meet people from across the country, and always a surprise to meet someone who had read this blog at some point. If nothing else, this proved to be a good discussion point.
I missed a good part of the session on blogging and RSS, but did see the last half hour which proved helpful. I also learned a number of things from talking with the speaker afterward. Once I dig out my notes will post useful info here about blogging.
Aside from going to CALL looking to learn the practical lessons, I also went seeking some answers about my own direction. I feel I have attained--or almost attained--a number of goals I set out for myself after completing library school ten years ago. This perhaps sounds a bit cold and clinical. I never articulated specific goals at that time, but did some similar thinking and soul searching e.g. what do I want to do with my life now? I am a believer in serendipity and seeing where life takes me, but also I like to work hard toward specific goals and keep myself open to possibilities. It is the specific goals I need. Whether I get to the goal is actually besides the point; it is the journey toward that goal that is important. I have no specific conclusions yet, but was fortunate to have the opportunity to explore a few different ideas. Stay tuned. 8-)
Friday, May 14, 2004
Quicklaw changes
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Federal Depository Program issue
Making Yourself Understood
the [non]billable hour
Designing and Maintaining Law Library Web Sites
Okay, I think this is my last posting for tonight. Do I get to docket my time surfing work-related topics? 8-)
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
AALL Universal Citation Guide
Succession Planning
End of an Era
Truly the end of an era. Quicklaw was the original electronic service for the legal community in Canada. It will be interesting to see what tribute will be paid them at the upcoming CALL conference--it feels that this announcement came just in time for this.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Access to U.S. government info
Saturday, May 08, 2004
The Word Spy
The site does have an e-mail list that sends out new words 4 or 5 times a week, and looks like it has an RSS feed. This might be something interesting (and sometimes relevant) to feed onto an intranet. Good "stickiness" factor. Hey, I wonder if they have that term listed yet?
Friday, May 07, 2004
The Tipping Point
I was reading this book the same week we launched our intranet, and was happy to see how we had unconsciously implemented some of the strategies he mentions for spreading an idea. I used other little ideas to "tweak" our marketing campaign. Most notably, you want to make an idea or a product "sticky" so that people return to it again and again.
That is the on-going challenge with running an intranet or website, so I could really see how that directly applies. Our unplanned use of a mascot "Wiglet" for our intranet Wig seemed to have a really stickiness factor, so we are planning to incorporate it increasingly in our site. It is not a coincidence that, on successful intranets, the most-visited pages are those that seem to have little to do with work: joke of the day, chat room where people sell their items, or menus in the cafeteria, an example we saw in a law firm in NYC. These are not bad things--these are the things that get people hooked into checking that first page every day.
If you get a chance, I do recommend this book. It is very readable, has great examples, and since it is not aimed at a certain group, allows the reader to take from it what we want.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Librarian Activist
Monday, May 03, 2004
My evil little fantasy
Today I added another point to the list: no missing books to track down. We've spent the past week on our annual "book recall" campaign, trying to account for all signed out books, and locate missing ones. It's a lot of work. I can't help but think about how much time we would free up if we went all electronic. Time would be spent directly with our clients, teaching lawyers, students and staff how to use the products, rather than spending all our time in the background maintaining materials. Heck, we might even be able to convince someone else to do all the infrastructure work for us if we're particularly charming.
I must admit it was a couple of the law firm libraries in New York that got me thinking this way. At first I was horrified to learn the books on the shelves were just for decoration. Why, you couldn't even reach some of the volumes because they were impossibly placed in a tall stairwell. But since returning, I've been thinking about all the clean desks and offices I saw on the tours, and can't help but wonder about the quality of my own work life without books.
Okay, okay, perhaps it's not realistic to think about this. But perhaps we can work to somehow reduce the burden of books, paper parts, loose leaf filings, not to mention current awareness materials being routed. I've just got to think of a way. A librarian's gotta dream....
Toronto bars going smoke-free
I was very excited to see this advertised in the newspaper on the weekend. A few weeks ago I was out with friends in a smokey bar. My lungs were sore for several days afterward, and I then came down with the horrible cold that has been going around. Recovery from my evening out, then, was several weeks. I vowed not to go into another smokey place again.
So, I am just thrilled. First order of business on June 1st will be to go out and celebrate! Of course, I will check first whether the owners plan to comply with the new By-law.
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Champion BookCrosser Worked in Saskatchewan Libraries
I'm saddened to report that long-time BookCrosser Richard Loeffler
(screen name rloeffle) of La Ronge, Saskatchewan died suddenly on
April 17th, 2004. Richard currently has the most books registered on
BookCrossing (7,551) and was responsible for distributing most of them
around small communities in the north of his Canadian province. He was
employed by the library system in La Ronge, and used his library
contacts to spread the BookCrossing word widely across isolated
Northern communities.
Richard was passionate about committing 'random acts of literacy'
anonymously. He was featured in a great USA Weekend story on
(, and did
that and much more to help promote our cause. His family has asked
that, in lieu of flowers, memorial donations be made in his name to
the La Ronge Public Library Building Fund, c/o First Call Funeral
Services, 708 La Ronge Ave., La Ronge, SK., Canada S0J 1L0.
Not too long ago I had visited rloeffle's page on BookCrossing and marvelled at what he had done. Definitely a special person.
Saturday, May 01, 2004
Friday, April 30, 2004
Stats now on board
I have now added a "people counter" to the first blog page, and am able to view other statistics about this page. The application was free from AddsFreeStats. I'm keen to see what this tells me.
Commercial Leasing & Management Tool Kit
Lehman's Zoning Trilogy
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Sordid tale of a weblog hacker
Wow. The reason why I went to the [non]billable hour in the first place was the subtitle of this blog, "revolutionizing the practice of law, one lawyer
at a time!" I couldn't resist.