Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Wild Stuff - Library Faculty positions

Five (count them: 5) faculty positions have opened up at the University of Toronto Faculty of Information Studies: Job description. Specialty is pretty much open. The biggest thing is the PhD requirement. Wild stuff.

It makes me wonder if it is worthwhile doing a PhD part-time (over 6 years) to be ready for the next big openings? But then I would have to think about what my specialty would be. Blogging? Envisioning projects for other people? Opening cans of worms? Writing wordy communiques? Surfing the web for fun and profit? Oh, the list could go on.....


Anonymous said...

Go for it Connie-- you would be great!!! Nancy

Connie Crosby said...

Hey, then I could start my own TV show and call it "Dr. Connie". I kinda like the ring of that.... Thanks, Nancy!