Monday, September 18, 2006

Creativity and Innovation

Kia Ora. My name is Kay Samuels and I work with Connie. I am originally from New Zealand and came to Canada, via London, England, in 1996.

I have been thinking about using creativity and innovation to enhance my personal life and this has led me to reflect about how creativity augments my work life as well. My latest creation is this photo taken with a macro lens.

The inspiration to effect change comes from what we experience on a meaningful and personal level. We can then transfer this for use in the work setting. For example, I spent weekends this summer tasting Niagara wines and incorporated this by offering my training sessions as a wine tasting seminar. Here is one of the tastings offered:

Federal Legislation – Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 2001
A smooth textured workshop with excellent potential. Intense and full-bodied with print
and online in complete harmony, you'll find legislative history characters on
the palate along with some delightful nuttiness.

There was enough of a positive response to consider this a moderate success. There are times when my innovative ideas fall on deaf ears, or palates, but I get enough triumphs to encourage me to try yet another new idea.
The gain is the energy received from brainstorming with collegues, creating posters or bookmarks and deciding which costume to wear this Hallowe'en.
What is your latest innovation?


Sanjay Dalal said...

Great thought Connie. I have just started a new blog on Creativity and Innovation after getting inspired by taking a course on Creativity.

My Blog is at:

Happy Blogging.


Connie Crosby said...

Thanks for the comment! Well, the kudos goes to Kay for posting it.
